Categories: HVAC Training

What to Know Before Entering the HVAC/R Program

There’s no doubt that those in HVAC careers chose it for a reason. HVAC technicians can make an impressive amount of money. However, it does help to research HVAC careers beforehand so that you know what you’re getting into. We have also compiled a list of different HVAC/R careers here. Such information will also help you feel more confident as you move forward in your career. Here’s some information to help you feel more confident before heading into the HVAC training program.



HVAC/R Program

Getting your HVAC certification is key. The number one most important thing to keep in mind is that the HVAC training school you choose is important. You want to make sure that you have an accredited HVAC program like ETI School of Skilled Trades. Going with a program that isn’t accredited isn’t going to help you out very much, as your clients are going to want to see credentials. It may also be a good idea to go for EPA certification as well, in order to expand the total possible opportunities and specializations you have.


A Career in HVAC/R

HVAC Technician’s annual income, especially if you have a specialization, can be as high as 70k a year. Obviously, this is going to vary widely depending on the area you are in, the amount of experience you have, what you specialize in and how in-demand it is. Many HVAC companies also offer great benefits, 401k, commission bonuses, PTO and other perks like providing cell phones, uniforms, laptops and tools.

Just as with any job, there are safety concerns and challenges of the job, but that is why you should attend an accredited HVAC program. ETI will provide you with on-the-job training so you know how to avoid major accidents.


Getting Started with an HVAC/R Program

The key to success here is to know what you’re getting into ahead of time and contacting a solid school. ETI School of Skilled Trades is a non-traditional school meaning there are multiple opportunities to start throughout the year. ETI offers 10 different start dates throughout one year, as well as day and evening classes. For more information about our HVAC program, click here or call ETI today at (888) 830-7678.



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