Are you looking for the next chapter in your life?
Tired of living paycheck to paycheck at your dead-end job? Are you ready to pull up your boots and get to work – in a career you LOVE, not just a job? If the answer is YES, our employer fair is going to be right up your alley. You’ll have the opportunity to tour our facility, discuss your options, and meet with several key Chicago-area players, including:
- Four Seasons
- A.W.E.
- Borter
- Nortek
- Althoff Industries
- D&S Applicance
- Smart Care
- UL
- Trane
- Admiral HVAC
- Energy Services
- C&B Welders
- LOCAL 597
- Tech USA
- Pride Staff
- Sterling Engineering
- Holland Applied Tech
If that doesn’t get you excited, what will? Come join us at ETI School of Skilled Trades on September 25th from 3-5:30 PM and start owning your future!